We support light pollution projects, from measurement to policy development
During its creation, the Stars4all Foundation has coordinated more than 30 light pollution initiatives related to measurements, education and awareness, neighborhood lights, astronomy, and political actions.
Some of these initiatives are long-term, where they even began to be executed before the creation of the Foundation, and continue to be developed. Others, shorter term, were executed and have already been “archived.”
Initiatives that are still active include:
Stars4all Foundation offers different ways to provide support and representation
Data acquisition
The foundation maintains and develops a program of
improvement of the project’s original data infrastructure
STARS4ALL. Every month data continues to be uploaded to the
Zenodo community for free use by researchers, with more than 250 active photometers.
Store your light pollution data in our repository
The foundation has contributed to the advice of various
public administrations. This has been the case in Madrid, Spain, with members of several political parties of the Community of Madrid, a working group of experts from the Ministry of Industry for the development of public lighting standards.
The foundation participates and supports dissemination activities in relation to the defense of dark skies and holds informative talks on light pollution. For example, in the activities of the Science and Innovation Week organized by the Community of Madrid, or Conferences on Light Pollution around the world.
We have experts, researchers and a network of organizations and people working on light pollution
Institutional relations
The Stars4all Foundation has fruitful relationships with REECL (Spanish Network of Light Pollution Studies), STARLIGHT, the European Interreg Europe NIGHT LIGHT project, the Regional Government of Extremadura and the Respectful Night Lighting Initiative of the Community of Madrid.
European Projects
The foundation is empowered to form consortia with other institutions for submission to European Projects. In addition, the Stars4all Foundation is a registered entity with the European Space Agency (ESA), ready to apply to any fund that ESA calls for.
Lines of work

This is the action line where Stars4all Foundation is working towards improving the amount of data available for citizens, researchers and policy makers, so that they can take data-driven decisions. All the data that is being acquired by TESS photometers and can be browsed at and is available as open data for anybody to use freely.
Education and awarennes
In this action line, the Foundation members are actively present in mass and social media talking about the negative impact of light pollution in terms of environment, health, biodiversity, etc. They also participate in hands-on and awareness sessions with secondary school and university students, where they are able to understand the concept of light pollution and the ways to mitigate it, including the yearly Science Week.

In this action line, the foundation is actively helping other organisations (associations, groups of activists, other foundations) in their attempts to have an impact in policies around a responsible lighting in our cities and villages.