Cities at Night
Citizen science to build a fully true-color Map of the Earth at Night for the first time
Cities at Night is a citizen science project that aims to create a map, similar to Google maps, of the earth at night using color pictures with 10 times more resolution than it was available for the pulic so far. With this database of almost half a million photographs we work on organizing, cataloging, georeferencing and calibrate for science research purposes.
Currently, night satellite images are a powerful source of information in different fields of study:
- Light Pollution
- Ecology
- Human Health
- Population economics
Crowdfunding Campaign
From the beginning, the Foundation has supported the development of the Cities at Night citizen science project. For example, its crowdfunding campaign, and has taken the necessary steps to contract the software development services necessary for Cities at Night.
Crowdfunding Campaign 2018

Project Lider: Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel
Expert in Light Pollution. Astrophysics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).
Cities at Night has a network of collaborators between companies and institutions that support the continuity of the project.
These are the people according to the following institutions:
Jaime Zamorano (PI Complutense)
Jesus Galleg (COPI Complutense y coordinador de Grupo GUAIX)
Ainhoa Penning (Técnico de asistencia proyectos)
Sergio Pascual (Investigador)
Nicolas Cardiel (Investigador)
José Gomez (Investigador – Desarrollador de las aplicaciones de Cities at Night 1.0)
Paco Ocaña (Investigador)
Iván Sánchez de Miguel (CEO)
Daniel Lombraña, CEO de Scifabric Desarroyador de Crowdcrafting y Darkskies 1.0
Francisco Sanz, PI Ibercivis y PI proyecto FECYT
PI Universidad de Exeter y CO-PI proyecto EMISSI@N – Experto en Ecología de la noche
Jonathan Bennie, CO-PI proyecto EMISSI@N – Experto en distribución de especies.
Emma Rosenfeld, Traductora y técnico de apoyo
Simon Dzurjak, Traductora y técnico de apoyo
Martin Aubé, PI de Cegep de Sherberook – Light pollution modeling expert
Alicia Peregrina, Representante IAA
Connie Walker, Embajadora de Cities at Night