About us

The constitution of the Foundation has its origins in the subsidy granted by the European Union, to the project called “A Collective Awareness Platform for Promoting Dark Skies in Europe, Stars4All, Grant Agreement number 688135”. In particular, it is an activity provided for in Work Package 1 Task 1.4 “Establish and agree the legal terms to create the STARS4ALL foundation, and create it.”.

The Stars4all Foundation was born in 2017 with the express desire to work with the main purpose of establishing a participatory awareness-raising platform to promote the reduction of light pollution.

Described in the Statutes of the Foundation, to achieve its purposes, the Foundation will carry out the following activities:

1) Coordinate communities and “LPI” (Light Pollution Initiatives), so that they develop their citizen actions.
2) Represent communities as a whole, oversee general research objectives (e.g. review of data), and free dissemination of discoveries.
3) Advise public administrations on light pollution and promote changes in legislation.
4) Maintain the infrastructure of the Stars4All project.
5) Carry out activities aimed at ensuring the sustainability and financial stability of the Foundation and the project: promote donations; create a Marketplace; hold events; provide services to companies and institutions interested in free access citizen science.
6) Development of a web portal with information about the foundation and its activities.
7) Reward with quality seals those institutions, private or public, that develop activities whose objective is the reduction of light pollution.

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If you would like to know more, please contact with the president of the Foundation to this email: ocorcho@fi.upm.es